GAMUT WORLDS is dedicated to showcasing awesome talent from pretty much every avenue imaginable through our three branches: Gamut Media, Gamut Press, and Worlds Magazine. Being creative and using that creativity to paint what you see, or write fantastic stories, or make up powerful, new characters, or even share your view of the world through a photograph should be shared with as many people as possible. We have dedicated ourselves to that mission and hope that we can find and share more and more talented creatives with our audience.
We want to share our podcasts, books, and magazine with the world!
By advertising with us, you help us continue to meet that goal and we hope to continue doing so for a long time.
Below is a list of our advertising prices, duration, & guidelines. For the best value, check out our package deals below.
Web Ads:
All web ads are banner style ads and will appear on the following pages: home, current issue, & submissions. Ads are shown in slideshow format on each page. The order your ad comes in is on a first come first serve basis. Limit 7 ads per page.
Size: All ads should be 1904 pixels (w) x 234 pixels (h). 72 dpi. 120 kb (max). Background should be the entire width. Text and font should not exceed the safe zones shown in the template (click here to download our website ad template).
Please note that we reserve the right to reject your ad for containing images, text, or both of an inappropriate nature. This includes but is not limited to: nudity, excessive gore/violence, political or religious views, profanity, inappropriate language, etc.
Formats: Accepted file formats: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff. Please do not send any other file formats. If your file is not one of the listed formats, it will be rejected.
Pricing: $200 for 1 month | $500 for 3 months | $1,000 for 6 months | $2,250 for 1 year
*If you would like to advertise for longer than 1 year, feel free to contact us via the contact page.
Payment Instructions: All payments are due in full before your ad goes live. If we do not receive your payment, your ad will be rejected. To make a payment, please select the appropriate button and follow the instructions. Once your payment is received, click the upload file button and upload your ad to us. You should receive a confirmation of receipt between 24-48 hours.
1 Month...$200

3 Months...$500

6 Months...$1000

1 Year...$2250

Order your ad to be included in the digital publication of Worlds Magazine now. There are four different sizes: quarter page ad, half page ad, full page ad, and double page ad (only 1 double page ad per issue).
Size: Quarter Page Ads are 4.6" x 3.4" (horizontal) or 3.4" x 4.6" | Half Page Ads are 7" x 4.6" (horizontal) or 4.6" x 7" (vertical) | Full Page Ads are 8.5" x 11" | Double Page Ads are 17" x 11"
Please note that we reserve the right to reject your ad for containing images, text, or both of an inappropriate nature. This includes but is not limited to: nudity, excessive gore/violence, political or religious views, profanity, inappropriate language, etc.
Formats: Accepted file formats: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .ai, .eps, .psd, pdf. Please do not send any other file formats. If your file is not one of the listed formats, it will be rejected. (All text must be outlined first if it is in .ai, .eps, or .pdf formats)
Pricing: Quarter Page Ads...$95 | Half Page Ads...$250 | Full Page Ads...$500 | Double Page Ads...$950
Placement Pricing: Inside Front Cover...$800 | Inside Back Cover...$750 (Inside Cover Ads are both full page ads)
Payment Instructions: All payments are due in full before your ad goes live. If we do not receive your payment, your ad will be rejected. To make a payment, please select the appropriate button and follow the instructions. Once your payment is received, click the upload file button and upload your ad to us. You should receive a confirmation of receipt between 24-48 hours.
1/4 Pg Ad...$95

1/2 Pg Ad...$250

Full Pg Ad...$500

Double Pg Ad...$950

Inside Cover Ad...$800

Inside Back Cover Ad...$750

Please submit all ads to gamut_submit@hotmail.com for review. We will not circulate any ads on our site or in the current issue of Worlds unless full payment has already been made.
If you have any questions or need help with anything at all contact us at gamut_submit@hotmail.com
The Bronze Package includes:
10 second audio advertisement on one podcast
1 web ad for one month
1 Social media blast to Facebook (with URL link)

The Silver Package includes:
10 second audio advertisement on two podcasts
1 web ad for two months
1 Social media blast to Facebook (with URL link)
1 Social media blast to Twitter (with URL link)

The Gold Package includes:
10 second audio advertisement on three podcasts
1 web ad for three months
1 Social media blast to Facebook (with URL link).
1 Social media blast to Twitter (with URL link).
1 Social media blast to Instagram (with URL link).

If you would like to advertise with us, just fill out the form below. Make sure that you include which ad size or type you need, duration (if applicable), etc. If you would like us to design the ad for you, click here and we can get started. If you would like to use your own ad, we can do that too (instructions on where to email your ad will follow after payment is received).
We look forward to hearing from you!